the case for sustainability
Let's paint a common picture:
Budgets are tight, spare headspace is in short supply and sustainability (or “ESG”) is occasionally pitched into the arena by colleagues, investors, regulation, competitor actions or the news. Nobody knows exactly why, or what needs doing, nor do they have the bandwidth to get into it in depth.
Our most succinct version of why businesses should act on sustainability may help:

Something needs to change
3 interconnected megatrends have been playing out over the last 2.5 centuries: growing social inequalities; unsustainable use of resources; and climate change.
They are starting to undermine the foundations of our global economy
and the future of society.

Every business is involved
At multiple points within their operations and value chains, all businesses contribute to these megatrends by how they impact and depend on people and planet.

Regulation is bringing clarity
The case for sustainability isn’t helped by the mixed reputation “ESG” has had over the last decade.
But the clouds are starting to clear – we are seeing a convergence of frameworks, robust legislation is starting to come in and there is far greater clarity on what needs doing.

Done right, sustainability = value
Not only can an effective approach to sustainability create positive outcomes for people and planet, it can reduce costs, support revenue growth and improve access to and cost of capital.