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outsourced "CSO"

The ‘Agency’ model is the operating model of choice for many Communications and Marketing teams. Either used to augment a smaller internal team or to outsource entirely, it offers recognised business benefits of efficiency, rigour, and flexibility.

We bring the best bits of this model into the sustainability arena. 

how we solve your sustainability challenges


Business has no internal person responsible for sustainability


Internal person responsible for sustainability is new in role with limited sustainability experience


Internal person responsible for sustainability wants to supplement their knowledge 


Business does not have the bandwidth to generate the momentum it desires on its sustainability agenda 


wants to avoid increasing its fixed cost base and dedicating the time to upskill additional resources internally


Regulation, policy, legislation, best practice, competitor actions, frameworks, tools and initiatives in the sustainability arena all continue to evolve at pace

Without dedicated resources to keep on top of it all and identify what's important, businesses can miss out on opportunities and/or become vulnerable to new risks

our strengths

As with only the few, very best agencies we've worked with in our 'in house' days, our support is...

how it works

Our clients receive continuous support from Perigon, up to an agreed number of days each month, for a set monthly retainer. We will work with you to design a retainer to meet your needs and budget. 

As an extended member of the broader team, Perigon works alongside the business to progress agreed priorities, embed and evolve the sustainability agenda and business capabilities, and monitor the external environment for relevant news and trends. 

Our clients also benefit from the ability to quickly 'flex up' Perigon's support on a project basis as required. 

get in touch

Send us an email or connect with us on LinkedIn to find out more and explore whether we might be the right partners to address your sustainability challenges on an ongoing basis. 


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